Seven Habits of Highy Effective People Infographic

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This is a visual summary of Dr. Stephen Covey’s book – The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Visually Simplified by Benjamin Thomas


  • You are what you habitually do, so adopt productive habits. Moreover, you have the ability to improve your habits and your life.
  • Focus on developing character, not personality.
  • Choose sound principles – integrity, dignity, quality, service, patience, perseverance, caring, courage – and endeavor to live by them by adopting seven habits.
  • Habit 1: “Be Proactive.” You are free because you can determine how you respond to circumstances. Additionally, taking initiative is crucial.
  • Habit 2: “Begin with the End in Mind.” Write a personal mission statement to clarify your principles and set your goals. This way, you can establish a clear direction for yourself.
  • Habit 3: “Put First Things First.” Balance the attention you give to each of your roles, responsibilities, and relationships. This will help you prioritize effectively.
  • Habit 4: “Think Win/Win.” Multiply your allies and aim for mutually beneficial outcomes. This approach fosters cooperation and positive relationships.
  • Habit 5: “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.” Communication and trust are two-way streets. Therefore, strive to listen and empathize before expressing your own ideas.
  • Habit 6: “Synergize.” The cooperative whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. By working together synergistically, you can achieve remarkable results.
  • Habit 7: “Sharpen the Saw.” Take the time to sharpen your tools: your body, soul, mind, and heart. Engaging in self-renewal activities will enhance your overall effectiveness.


You are what you habitually do, so adopt productive habits. You have the ability to improve your habits and your life.

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