The 10 Cs of Employee Engagement

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The TEN Cs of Employee Engagement - Visually Simplified by Benjamin Thomas
The 10 C’s of Employee Engagement by Dan Crim and Gerard Seits

1. Connect: Leaders must value their employees and nurture positive relationships for peak performance.

2. Career: Provide challenging work and growth opportunities, instilling confidence in meeting challenges.

3. Clarity: Communicate a clear vision to inspire understanding and alignment at all levels.

4. Convey: Establish processes to help employees master tasks and achieve goals effectively.

5. Collaborate: Foster teamwork and trust, as well as the power of collective performance.

6. Congratulate: Recognize and celebrate strong performance to motivate and inspire employees.

7. Contribute: Empower employees to make meaningful contributions to the organization’s success.

8. Control: Offer autonomy over job flow and pace, allowing employees to exercise control.

9. Credibility: Nurture the company’s reputation, making employees proud of their jobs and organization.

10. Confidence: Lead by example, embodying high ethical standards and fostering confidence in the company.

Engaging Employees creates a workforce fully involved, enthusiastic, and dedicated to organizational success. Let’s prioritize employee engagement for exceptional results!

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